Week 13

April 7, 2016

Day 79

Exercise: Bike/Run

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes / 1 hour

Distance: 22 miles / 6 miles

I've been informed that there is a difference between two-a-days and something called brick workouts. Two-a-days are when you do two workouts in one day (seems self-explanatory). These workouts could look something like 1 hour bike in the morning and 1 hour run in the evening. Brick workouts are when you do two workouts immediately following each other instead of having time in between them. So there is a difference between the two.

Turns out I've been doing mostly brick workouts and only a few two-a-days (who knew?), which would explain why these days have been so difficult...

Day 80

Exercise: Swim

Time: 1 hour

Distance: water

I am officially incapable of keeping track of how far I swim. It's impossible to count my laps. Also, swimming is the best time to not focus on anything at all, and I enjoy letting my mind wander instead of focusing on counting laps.

I'm sure accountants would enjoy keeping track of their laps, but that's not me.

Day 81

Exercise: Bike/Run

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes / 1 hour

Distance: 22 miles / 6 miles

Brick workout. Yep. Super hard. Yep. 

Day 82

Exercise: Swim

Time: 1 hour

Distance: idk

There was a naked old man convention in the locker room today...so that was fun.

Day 83


Day 84

Exercise: Bike

Distance: 30 miles

Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

I broke the clip on one of my shoes today, but I'd rather not explain how...OK fine, I fell again. Chill. I fall every week. This time I was not even moving. I was standing still with only my right foot still clipped in, then I lost my balance and fell over. Awesome. Super embarrassing. Insult to injury is my shoe is broken, so that's grrrreeeeaattt.

Day 85

OFF for a big day tomorrow...


Week 14


Week 12