Week 5
February 7, 2016
Day 29
Exercise: Run
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Distance: 8.3 miles
Yeah, so there is no way I'm doing the paleo diet, BUT I have a good reason. You're suppose to eat only things that cavemen could eat, which is great and all, but those dudes only lived for 30 years. And seeing as I'm trying to make it to 100, I'm going to keep eating like a modern day human being. That being said, I am being much healthier with my diet in hopes that it makes exercising more enjoyable.
During my run today, I was chased by a dog and yelled at by an old man. The dog chased me across the road to the end of the block biting my heels, and the old man yelled "Can you go any slower?" I did not make that up. This is my life. Overall, a very encouraging and uplifting day from both man and beast
Day 30
Exercise: Swim
Time: 45 minutes
Distance: back and forth several times
I have a swim cap now, and it has the American flag on both sides. Basically, I'm Michael Phelps and if you were to look briefly at he and I swimming in lanes next to each other, I doubt you would be able to tell us apart.
Day 31
Exercise: Bike
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Distance: 20 miles
The bike was pretty boring today, but I am already thankful for my change in diet. I had lunch with my mother, and she tricked me into eating a kale salad. Surprisingly, I did not hate it, and I felt great on the bike today. I'm still not super fired up about eating only green things, but if it makes exercising easier I'm going to keep doing it.
Day 32
Exercise: Swim
Time: 45 minutes
Distance: not even a guess
I had a nightmare where a naked old man tried to talk to me in the locker room...and that nightmare came true today. Obviously, I was incapable of forming a coherent sentence in response to whatever it was that he had asked me, but I will say that I have never gotten dressed faster in my life than I did today.
Day 33
Exercise: Bike
Time: 2 hours
Distance: 23 miles
The difference between a stationary bike and a real bike is staggering. Today was the first day I've taken my road bike out for a long ride, and I was exhausted at the end of it. The stationary bike isn't all that tiring when compared to riding a real bike, so I'm going to start spending less time on the bikes in the gym and more time out on bike paths (still scared of the side of the road tbh). Hopefully the weather cooperates.
Day 34
Exercise: Run
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Distance: 8 miles
I'm not going to go into too much detail on this, but nipple chafing is a real thing. Basically, this was me today.
Day 35
*praise hands emoji*